Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Went to my polling place at 6:30 this morning and was #13 in line. Was signed in and waiting for a voting machine by about 7:10. I was amazed at how long it took some people to cast their ballots. Were they just now reading the choices and the referendums?

I first found a sample ballot so I could familiarize myself with some of the less publicized races. 7 candidates for one Judge position! Some more searching led me to the Georgia League of Women voters site which produced a ballot for my precinct. Then for each race, it presented position statements made by the candidates (except in a few cases where they chose not to respond). It was a huge help for races that I was unfamiliar with.

Because of that research ahead of time, I was able to get my ballot cast in just a couple minutes.

1 comment:

Lynn Irwin Stewart said...

I think the whole process -- from driving to the church where I vote, until I pulled back into my own driveway was less than 15 minutes.